DOWNLOAD - Troll Car - To activate/deactivate type " UP " on your keyboard , just like a cheat
code in SinglePlayer.The get in the car and near player click LEFT MOUSE
BUTTON to troll them.
You need latest cleo and sampfuncs in order for this cleo to run without any issues !
Open/Close Menu button : Z Cleo Commands : / qq - a quick exit from the game / tpc - mn in car / ggun - dgun / ttp - m to the player / setclass - change of class / gh - tp player to his / scar (all) - spawn car / sskin - for skins / fkill - Fake Kill / nick - nick change / bs_func - information about the functions they were going (in these brackets []) / bs_cmd - info about ID + CMD CMD / akill - Auto Kill Note: SAMPFUNCS 5.2.2 and Cleo 4.1 or above required to run this cleo properly !
It also has many functions which are listed as follows:- 1. GM 2. GM's car 3. GM's bullet 4. GM's wheels 5. Besco running 6. Stay Bikes 7. Easy Drive 8. By water 9. Under the water 10. Play Fast Anim 11. Mega jump 12. Jump into the distance 13. Fast Spawn 14. Speed Hack 15. Car Jump 16. Auto Run 17. Turns 18. Besco PSU 19. Variation 20. No Recoil 21. Stop 22. Rapid 23. Gravity 24. WallHack 25. WallHack 2 26. ESP 27. Fake Lags 28. WH on the bones 29. LineToPlayers 30. Clean screen 31. Throw the TS 32. Set fire to the vehicle 33. + C 34. + C 2 35. Damager Sync 36. Defrost 37. Silent Aim 38. Silent Aim 2 39. S Damage 40. Fasr Deagle 41. Inv Gun 42. OnFootData 43. Puls Color Car 44. AutoShot 45. Knocking animation 46. Surfing 47. AirBrk 48. Anti Stun 49. Anti drop 50. YouTube Mode 51. Collision 52. Anti drug 53. FakeKill Flood 54. Gun Cheat 55. Anti rvanka 56. Anti death 57. Skill Bot 1 58. Skill Bot 2 59. Auto Login 60. BS Hud
[CLEO] - Carhack: Download: Download Sampfuncs 5.2.1: Download: Download /ph [idplayer]: Make the victim's car fly away /gc [idplayer]: Rob vehicles from a distance
- Player ModZ- Fuck Slapper NoT AFK NoT Vehicle Fuck Slapper Pizdarvanka Invisible Spec Invisible Underground BulletBugger Speed Hack Upside Down Rand Quats Fast Respawn -AimBoT- Check Walls AimBoT, Pick Car, ETC Check View Visibility AimBoT, Pick Car, ETC Check Team By Team Check Team By Color Check Team By Skin Calc Players Ping Lag-Comp OFF